Feb 14, 2016

Random Cadoodles

Happy Valentine's Day or SAD (Singles Awareness Day), whichever you prefer.
For a the longest time I've wanted to write a blog post. But with speech and debate, school, and chiropractic appointments, I haven't been motivated enough to sit down and organize my thoughts into smooth solitary subjects.
But today I really felt like writing so you get random cadoodles from me instead. Woohoo!

1. Thank you Petra Grace for tagging me in your wonderful Blogger Recognition Award. :) (I promise I'll be getting that post up soon!)

2. I finished a novel. Yes, a book that I wrote, should be arriving in the mail, any day now...

3. Mom and I got two new cookbooks. One is Feast by Gwen Brown and I highly recommend it. Sugar free caramel sauce guys. CARAMEL SAUCE. Did I mention the sugar free stinkin' amazin' caramel sauce? The other is the new Trim Healthy Mama cookbook with some insanely mouth watering recipes. Honestly, eating chocolate cake for breakfast and calling it dieting; how can it get better than that?

4. Hamilton the Musical. What other words are necessary? Oh yes...

How does a ragtag volunteer army in need of a shower,
somehow defeat a global superpower?
How do we emerge victorious from the quagmire?
Leave the battlefield waving Betsy Ross' flag higher?
Yo, turns out we have a secret weapon.
An immigrant you know and love who's unafraid to step in.
He's constantly confusing, confounding the British henchmen,
Everyone give it up for America's favorite fighting Frenchman!

5. Uncle Tom's Cabin. This book. This *breathes* book... If you haven't read this book, it is imperative that you read it. As soon as possible. The depth, the appeal, the tears, the sobs, the heart wrenching facts of the past. (And I was just getting over A Tale of Two Cities and Frankenstein... yes read those too!)

6. I got some peppermint tea for Christmas from a friend (it tastes amazing and there are real peppermint pieces in it!!!). They told me where they got it, and I proceeded to order a fandom sampler of tea over at the place. If you subscribe to their site you get a $5 off coupon. Their loose leaf tea is simply scruuuumptiouss, and I have so enjoyed the wide variety of flavors that came in the sampler (it was the Avatar: the Last Airbender set). You can design your own sets, blends, etc., order in bulk, and they have sales each week. Thanks Jess for the share. ;)

7. I've begun scrapbooking. I have my dear friend, Natalie to thank for this. I had the opportunity to visit Natalie and she told me about some special trips she'd been on. She proceeded to illustrate her stories with some inspirational scrapbook pages. The light began to turn on... ^all those plane tickets, and event tickets, and postcards, and little thingymagums from travels I've collected, there's a reason why I saved them^ *facepalm*

8. Online things... yep. I'm bad at keeping up with blogging. *rolls eyes* and chats. And even though it may look like I'm online, I'm either a) not online, I just left my laptop on and my browser open while I went grocery shopping with Mom, b) doing school, c) doing research, or d) writing a book in response to your message. 

9. Future Aspirations. That moment when you get a phone call from a college asking you if you've thought about college and what you want to do with your life. *Pause* Considering colleges. If so, which one? Although I have a tight criteria, there are definitely more than five options. And getting ready for college, agggghhhhhhh, so many credits, so many community service hours for a scholarship, so many things to do. And once I do them, once I get there, then what do I do? o.o I know what I like to do. What I'm good at studying. But I'm not sure how it translates into a supporting-myself-job. 

10. Friendship is hard. And I'm not just saying this because the majority of my friends live in a different state (or country). The older I grow, the more I really appreciate my true friends. And the more I realize that a good friendship is made up of two people that have the same set of values and core beliefs. Hopefully I will be sharing some of that with you soon... *mysterious eyebrows* 

I'd really appreciate it if you would pray for me with #9. And if you have any random cadoodles or prayer requests you feel like sharing, please comment below or email me at yourmateywinifred@gmail.com (I do check my email regularly so I will get back to you =] ).

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -Philippians 4:6

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. -Proverbs 16:3