I was too distracted and exhausted to make new resolutions for the new year. Even though resolutions are overdone and quite frankly, pretty ridiculous most of the time, there's nothing bad about making goals (even if you don't always keep them).
Now that I have some time, here are my goals for the new year.
1. Stay in the Word - read the Bible more. Not just read, but take notes and study the entire passage.
2. Go to bed at a reasonable hour each school night - no more late night history reading.
3. Stay off the screens - Even though I take classes online, read articles for debate online, and exchange important information with coaches, pastor, and team mates online, it's time to spend more time outside and take advantage of the vitamin D.
4. Read more books - I know what some of you are thinking, "Wini? Read more books? Wut?" When I was younger, I was able to eat books for lunch. As I get older, I realize that although I read more than the average person my age, I read less and less. My booklist has only grown. It needs to shrink.
5. Write once a week - I'd like to do it more than once a week, but I know I won't accomplish that. So I'm starting with a small goal. Sit down, work on my stories, actually get some words down, move forward.
6. Blog twice a month - I love this blog. I like how it's quiet and waits for me and let's me sort my thoughts. It's nice to see that people can relate and appreciate my brain sometimes too. I want to share more with those who don't know me well, and so that those who do can know me better.
That's all I have that I feel like sharing out loud. I don't want to put lots of small strenuous things on here and overly burden myself. Or make things seem like they just need to get checked off. It's good to evaluate your year and what your priorities should be though.