Dec 8, 2020

Retiring this blog

My dear readers,

    It has been quite a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and stories and sometimes strong opinions on this little blog. I appreciate everyone who has joined me on this journey over the years. 
    As some of you know, I've decided to retire this blog and have been working on and off building a new one. My purpose in this is to move to a platform that is both easier for me to use and more pleasant for you to enjoy. I also hope to begin again with a clean slate; not to leave behind the things of my past and the growings-up that are part of who I am, but to take the best things with me and start a new chapter. This blog will still remain in the shadows of the internet for anyone who might want to take a trip down memory lane but will not be active. 
    Though it will be in a new place, I'm looking forward to sharing again with you the thoughts that weigh upon my heart, the events happening in my life, and the Truth that we are ever receiving the grace to see and believe. 

Till then, I remain,