Sep 17, 2015

Autumn Update

Sorry for the absence. Here is a collection of photos and ramblings about what's been going on lately, namely Autumn!

1. The Leaves
The leaves are falling and are turning crispy :D 

My heart is torn and rides the wind like the leaves in Autumn, each piece a reminder of the glorious last spring. And in my sorrows, I crunch them underfoot. ~me

2. The Keets
We have eleven new members in our family =)

3. Blackie
This dog has sooo muuuch eeeenerrrrgyyyy and love

and Mary, who somehow finds energy to growl at Blacks

4. The Rabbits
They're enjoying the brisk weather

5. Mister Cocksure
You wouldn't believe this strutting fellow

"My face is not fit to be seen online, tshah!"
6. The Scene
The breeze, the sprinkles of rain, the chilly mornings, the walnuts, the tea box 8)

7.  Fickle Weather
One day: 98 degrees, The Next Day: 65 degrees. And so it will continue until it's entirely winter
(don't worry, I don't understand CA either :P)

8. Schooool
It's that love-hate relationship between wanting nothing to do, yet enjoying the classes

Hope you've enjoyed a taste of the farm! What's your current season like?

"You crown the year with your bounty; your carts overflow with abundance." Psalm 65:11


  1. errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm you haz bunnehs and I did not know this?! :o
    :P Just kidding loved the update!

    1. Yez, I haz bunnehz. =) Four bootiful bunnehz. Aw, thankz!

  2. Nice blog. I thought I was the only one who has a rooster with that attitude.

  3. Thank you! Hehehe he is quite full of himself.
    Congratulations on starting a blog! Can't wait to read some of your 'Notes on Life' :)
